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Here we offer all our training videos and Arduino Projects now available Via Download, same as our PDF Ebooks and Manuals. For the first time we now have the capability to sell all our videos sent to you immediately via Email-download after you make your purchase. Choose from the lists below.

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1 to 10+ 8-Channel Oscilloscope HOW to USE SERIES

  1 to 10+ ARDUINO MAIN VIDEOS Series and $ave

(The Projects also include the videos above...)

1 to 10+ Automotive GDI Series Video-Course & $ave

1 to 10+ Automotive SENSOR Video-Course & $ave

1 to 10+ RELAY CONVERSION Video-Course & $ave

1 to 10+ Automotive Ignition System Video-Course & $ave

1 to Buy 10+ Automotive HVAC Series Video-Course & $ave

1 to 10+ DIESEL CRDI Common Rail Direct Injection Video-COUSES & $ave

1 to 10+ (MYODE) Make Your Own Diagnostic Equipment Video-Courses & $ave

copyright 2023 Mandy Concepcion, Automotive Diagnostics and Publishing